Video Tutorials

Hi guys! We are going to learn the numbers. And Robot Albert will help you all the way from number 1 to number 10. But before we get started tell me, do you know what the number is? (pause) The number is a word or symbol that represents an amount of people, things or units. We use numbers for counting, measuring, and comparing amounts.

So we are going to start from number 1. Please repeat after me – 1. As you can see, robot Albert is switched to speed 1 and this number is lighted up on his screen. And also Albert is showing 1 finger.

In between Albert and big red number 1 you can see some letters for tracing. That’s how we write the word “one”. Please take your simple pencil and join the dots. After tracing you will get the word “one”. Pause the video now and take your time to do it nicely.

All right! And now take a look a bit down. Here we have bolts, nails, nuts, batteries and screws. You need to count the nuts only and then write the number on the red line. Pause the video and count carefully.

Great! The next step is tracing and writing number 1. The arrows are guiding you helping to write it properly. First follow arrow 1 and then arrow 2. Here we go! And now you should trace and then write number 1 in the blank boxes. Pause the video and enjoy!

Good. Now let’s do the last activity on this page. As you can see there are many batteries here. All you need to do is to shade 1 battery. The first battery is an example of how to do shading. First practice on it, joining the dots, and then shade the other 1 battery in the same way.

Ok guys, do your work and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

As you can see, on this page Zebra Frida is posing for Robot Albert. He has already painted her and now he needs to color the picture. But Albert can’t do it by himself so he is asking for your help.

Please take your color pencils and color Frida’s portrait. But be very attentive and use absolutely the same colors like on the picture above.

Enjoy guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hi guys! On this page we are going to learn number 2. Please repeat after me – 2.

Number 2 is often meets. It also means a pair. For example, look at robot Albert. He has 2 eyes, 2 eyebrows, 2 antennas, 2 arms, 2 hands and 2 legs. Also Albert is switched to speed 2 and this number is lighted up on his screen. Albert is showing some fingers. Let’s count them together – 1, 2. Good job!

In between Albert and big red number 2 you can see some letters for tracing. That’s how we write the word “two”. Please take your simple pencil and join the dots. After tracing you will get the word “two”. Pause the video now and take your time to do it nicely.

All right! And now take a look a bit down. Here we have nails, nuts, batteries and screws. You need to count the nails only and then write the number on the red line. Pause the video and count carefully.

Great! The next step is tracing and writing number 2. The arrows are guiding you helping to write it properly. First follow arrow 1 and then arrow 2. Here we go! And now you should trace and then write number 2 in the blank boxes. Pause the video and enjoy!

Good. Now let’s do the last activity on this page. As you can see there are many batteries here. All you need to do is to shade 2 batteries. The first battery is an example of how to do shading. First practice on it, joining the dots, and then shade the other 2 batteries in the same way.

Ok guys, do your work and see you on the next page! 

Hi guys! On this page Zebra Frida and Parrot Willy are asking you to circle the next element in a pattern.

What does it mean? Let’s take a closer look, because they already did the first line as an example for you.

In this first line we have yellow triangles and green circles. Triangle goes after circle and circle goes after triangle. The last element in this line is circle. That means the next element should be triangle. Because, remember, in this pattern triangle always goes after circle. And you can see Frida and Willy already circled triangle as a right answer. 

Now you should do the same with other lines. First look very well what elements a pattern has. Then check how these elements go one after another. And then circle the next element that should be in the line.

Ok guys, do your work and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

As you can see Robot Albert has decided to learn ABC. And right now he is using a spaceship for studying. Because no one will disturb him there and he can be fully concentrated.

So your task is to find out in which spaceship Albert is studying.

How to do that?

There is a spaceship window close to Albert. It has a particular pattern. Check all the spaceships above and find the one with the same window pattern. After that you should write the letter of the spaceship on the black line. Be very careful because that letter is one of the symbols for the Secret Code of Superheroes.

Good luck guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

As you can see, on this page we have several gingerbread men. But before I tell you what to do, let me ask – do you know who is a gingerbread man? (pause)

A gingerbread man is a biscuit or cookie made of gingerbread. It usually has a shape of a stylized human. But other shapes and characters, especially seasonal themes like Christmas, Halloween or Easter are common. People started making Gingerbread Man long long time ago, when we had kingdoms and kings as rulers.

And have you ever read a fairy tale about Gingerbread Man? If not, ask your parents to read for you. This fairy tale is about a gingerbread man who comes to life, outruns an elderly couple and different animals, and is devoured by a fox in the end.

And now let me tell you about your task. You need to add personality to the gingerbread man. Right now he looks like a ghost but you can make him in a way you want. You can add eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair. You can make him happy or serious. You can draw clothes and shoes or leave him without. It's all up to you. And don’t forget to color him after drawing.

Good luck guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

Robot Albert has prepared a new interesting task for you. 

Here we have different shapes, but you need to count only rectangles. Do you remember what a rectangle is? (pause)

Rectangle has 4 straight sides and 4 corners. It looks like a square but stretched out. The things like mobile phone, table, TV, pencil case, door, book and photo frame are rectangles in shape.

So please count rectangles in each row and then write the number on the black line.

Good luck guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

Are you excited about new activity?

Here we have heart, moon, star, cloud, bulb, gingerbread man, key, hammer, ball and vase. You need to look at these objects very well and circle only symmetric ones.

Do you remember what symmetry is? (pause)

Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. An object has symmetry if a central dividing line can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same.

So please find symmetrical objects and circle them.

Good luck guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

Please meet Martin. He loves to wear colorful clothes and shoes.

But as you can see his shoes are not colorful yet. So you need to help Martin.

Please take your pencils and color his shoes, so that Martin could look great and go out for a walk.

Enjoy guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

Here we have 4 different types of houses and floor plans for them. You need to figure out which house each plan belongs to.

But first let me tell you what floor plan is. House floor plan is a drawing that shows how the floor looks from above.

So you need to think what shape of the floor each house has and then find the floor plan with the same shape. Find the matching pairs and draw the line from the house to its floor plan.  

Good luck guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys!

On this page we have 5 different shapes – square, circle, triangle, heart and star.

It’s time for you to learn how to draw these shapes. So please take your simple pencil and join the dots. Once you are done with tracing you can add faces, arms and legs to your shapes and then color them.

Enjoy guys, and see you on the next page! 

Hey guys! Are you excited about new activity?

As you can see robot Albert is a bit confused. He needs your help. There are so many different things here: socks, underwear, boots and mittens. And they all need to get a pair. It means you should find 2 identical objects. Like twins. The pairs must have the same color or the same pattern.

But be very careful. Take care of every single detail. Some of these objects look really really similar but still they have some differences, that’s why they cannot be a pair. Because we can call a pair only 2 absolutely equal things.

Once you find a pair, draw the line from one object to another.

Good luck, guys, and see you on the next page!

Hey guys! Let’s learn the next letter of the alphabet. Letter C. Say it – C.

As you can see again, there are two letters C. They look the same, only the size is different. We have already learnt that the big one is called uppercase letter and the small one is called lowercase letter. And now let’s learn how to write letter C.

We have 2 rows here. In the first row you need to join the dots to get uppercase letter C. The arrow will help you to do it properly. After that you should write uppercase letter C in the blank boxes. In the second row you need to do the same with lowercase letter C. First trace it and then write it 3 times. Now please pause the video and do this work. Once you are done, press play button and we will continue.

Ok guys, welcome back! You already know how to write letter C. Right? And now let’s learn the words that start with this letter. You see, parrot Willey is teaching the cat how to fly. And the word “cat” starts with letter C.

Let's take a look at the pictures at the bottom of this page. Here you have a new task. You need to circle all objects that start with letter C. Let’s move from left to right.

What is the name of the first object? (pause) Bird! Do you like birds singing? Does bird start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it.

Ok. And what is the name of the next object? (pause) Candy! What candies do you prefer, caramels, lollipops or maybe chocolate? Now tell me, does candy start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, skip it.

Good. The next object is? (pause) Candle! We light the candles at night if we don’t have the light. Also we light the candles on Halloween and put them inside the pumpkin head. Right? Does candle start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it like that.

All right. And what is the name of the next object? (pause) It’s an apron! Apron is something people wear when they cook or work in the environment where they need protection because apron protects you and your clothes from hot oil, food, and other stuff. Now tell me, does apron start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it there.

Nice. And the next object is? (pause) Cloud! We can see the clouds in the sky. Sometimes they hide the sun. And if many clouds join together they make a rain. Does cloud start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, skip it.

Ok guys, and now let’s do the second row. Remember, we are moving from left to right. So what is the name of the next object? (pause) Cage! If we want to have a bird in the house or we need to take the bird somewhere we put it in the cage. Right? Does cage start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it.

Very well. The next object is? (pause) Chair! We use the chairs to sit on them. I believe right now you are sitting on the chair and using my tips to learn the alphabet. Am I right? And now tell me, does chair start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just skip it.

Good job. And what is the name of the next object? Cap! We wear the cap for different reasons. Sometimes cap helps us to protect the head against weather conditions. And sometimes it just helps us to look good. Does cap start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, leave it there.

And the last object is? (pause) King! Do you know who is a king? King is a man who rules a country. Does king start with letter C? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it like that.

Ok, guys. Well done! Now turn over the page and let’s move on.

Hey guys! Let’s learn the next letter of the alphabet. Letter D. Say it – D.

As you can see again, there are two letters D. We have already learnt that the big one is called uppercase letter and the small one is called lowercase letter. And now let’s learn how to write letter D.

We have 2 rows here. In the first row you need to join the dots to get uppercase letter D. The arrow will help you to do it properly. First follow arrow 1, then arrow 2. After that you should write uppercase letter D in the blank boxes. In the second row you need to do the same with lowercase letter D. First trace it and then write it 3 times. Now please pause the video and do this work. Once you are done, press play button and we will continue.

Ok guys, welcome back! You already know how to write letter D. Right? And now let’s learn the words that start with this letter. You see, parrot Willey is greeting a dinosaur. And the word “dinosaur” starts with letter D.

Let's take a look at the pictures at the bottom of this page. Here you have a new task. You need to circle all objects that start with letter D. Let’s move from left to right.

What is the name of the first object? (pause) Nut! There are many different types of nut. Peanut, almond, cashew etc. This one is called hazelnut. Do you like to eat nuts? Does nut start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it.

Ok. And what is the name of the next object? (pause) Dragonfly! Dragonfly is an insect, it has 4 long wings, and it can fly straight up and down. Usually we can see dragonflies close to the rivers, lakes and ponds. Now tell me, does dragonfly start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, skip it.

Good. The next object is? (pause) Mitten! We wear the mittens in winter to protect our hands from the cold. Also if you are in mittens you can play with snow. Does mitten start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it like that.

All right. And what is the name of the next object? (pause) It’s a dog! Dog is a pet. Many people have dogs at home. It’s believed that dog is man’s best friend. Now tell me, does dog start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it there.

Ok guys, and now let’s do the second row. Remember, we are moving from left to right. And the next object is? (pause) Doctor! We go to see a doctor if we are sick. Right? Does doctor start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, skip it.

So what is the name of the next object? (pause) Doll! Doll is a girls’ favorite toy. Does doll start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, just leave it.

Very well. The next object is? (pause) Flower! We plant the flowers in the garden. And we also give the flowers to our moms on Mother’s Day or on their Birthdays. Right? And now tell me, does flower start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, just skip it.

Good job. And the last object is? (pause) Drum! Drum is a musical instrument. When we hit the drum with a hand or a stick, it makes a sound. Does drum start with letter D? If yes, circle it. If not, leave it there.

Ok, guys. Well done! Now turn over the page and let’s move on.

Hey guys! Let’s have some drawing and coloring!

As you can see, here we have the houses, lamps, sofas and washing machines. But only the first picture in each row is completed. The other pictures need to be finished.

So please look at the first picture as an example and draw the missing elements on the other pictures. Be very attentive so that at the end of your work all 3 pictures will be the same.

Once you are done with drawing, color all the pictures with different colors.

Enjoy, guys, and see you on the next page!